Light in the Shadows

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Light in the Shadows expands on topics introduced at the end of Hard Choices for Loving People: emotional and spiritual concerns of the last phase of life. It is a collection of brief meditations for those with a serious illness and their families. Hank’s hope is that this book will help readers live each day fully, moving forward with courage and peace.

Sections include:

  • Living Each Day Fully
  • Walking the Valley of the Shadow of Death
  • The Heart and Soul of Medical Decisions
  • The Journey to Letting Be
  • Light Amidst the Shadows

ISBN 978-1-928560-05-0

“When people we love pass from our grasp it is said we need to learn to move forward. How? How do you let go and move forward? In Light in the Shadows, Hank Dunn has so eloquently and with sensitivity shown me how. Thanks, Hank!”
– Feb 27, 2015 by Charles Lacaden

“It is impossible to express my sincere appreciation for this wonderfully written book by Hank Dunn. It is not a hard read but a truly comforting and thoughtful one. It leaves you with a sense of inexplicable peace. I have two copies; one for myself and one I loan out. It is a blessing in my life. God bless you, Mr. Dunn. Your book has, indeed, been a light in my shadows.”
– Jun 19, 2012 by Julie

“Rarely do people want to talk about death and dying. This is especially (and tragically) true during the time when people most need to be free to talk about it: during the threat of a terminal illness. Hank Dunn has written a sensitive book for those living with a terminal illness. Dunn’s extensive experience as a chaplain in the presence of those who’ve walked that journey is evident in these meditations: insightful, honest, and hopeful. Elegant, poetic, and written from the heart.”
– Jun 19, 2012 by Israel Galindo